Welcome to ChemToolsHub
A comprehensive platform for chemical calculations and structure conversion tools. Explore our collection of free online tools.
Latest Tools
More »Atomic Properties Calculator
Calculate and view detailed properties of chemical elements using their atomic symbols.
pH Calculator
Calculate pH values from H+ concentration, pOH, or acid/base solutions. Includes visual pH scale and detailed results.
3D Conformer Generator
Generate and visualize 3D molecular conformations from SMILES notation. This tool helps you explore different possible 3D arrangements of your molecules.
Most Used Tools
More »Solution Preparation Calculator
Calculate required amounts of solute and solvent for preparing solutions of specific concentrations. Supports molarity, molality, mass percentage, and PPM.
Structure Converter
Convert between different chemical structure formats including SMILES, InChI, IUPAC, MOL file, and 2D structure images.
pH Calculator
Calculate pH values from H+ concentration, pOH, or acid/base solutions. Includes visual pH scale and detailed results.
Popular Tools
More »Chemical Safety Data
Query chemical safety data sheets (MSDS), physical and chemical properties, hazards, and emergency procedures
Unit Converter
Convert between different units of measurement including length, mass, volume, temperature, pressure, and energy. Supports common scientific and engineering units.
Molecular Weight Calculator
Quickly calculate molecular weight of chemical formulas, supporting complex organic and inorganic compounds
Structure Similarity Calculator
Compare chemical structures and calculate similarity scores using different fingerprint methods and similarity metrics.
Chemical Structure Editor
Draw, edit, and convert chemical structures. Supports multiple formats including SMILES, MOL, InChI, and image export. Features structure recognition from images.
Thermodynamics Calculator
Calculate thermodynamic properties including enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs free energy, and heat capacity. Visualize property changes with temperature.